The Science of A Great Business

The Indoor Environmental Testing industry is growing rapidly, currently IAQ problems cost the US economy as much as $168 billion per year. In addition, the EPA states that indoor environments may be anywhere between two to five times more polluted than that of the outdoor environment.

AirMD was founded after research showed a lack of indoor environmental consulting services available to the public on a national level.

AirMD’s Environmental Affiliates test and evaluate residential and commercial properties for mold, asbestos, water intrusion, allergens, lead, bacteria, chemicals and volatile organic compounds.

Analyze Opportunities

From your introduction to our Affiliate program through opening and operating your location, AirMD is with you to help make the best decisions for your future.


Affiliate Program

AirMD Affiliates conduct Environmental Testing & Consulting Services within their territory, and as an AirMD Affiliate testing services include Allergens, Asbestos, Building Science, Chemical, Heavy Metal, Lead, LEED Certification, Mold, Pesticide, Restoration Project Management, Water Quality and Water Loss.

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AirMD Services

AirMD Services

AirMD’s affiliate model offers both commercial and residential testing & consulting services. Please click to learn more about business to consumer services.

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Why AirMD – Benefits and Ownership

Keeping with our philosophy, we’ve developed our unique approach to being an Affiliate, this information will provide you with a better understanding of our business model, how we operate, and most importantly, how we deliver superior customer service to create the “Science of a Great Business”.

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Request More Information

Want to learn more about the AirMD Affiliate opportunity? Contact the AirMD Affiliate Development team by using the form below:


Download our Indoor
Environmental Quality Residential
Ebook today!



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Environmental Quality Commercial
Ebook today!
